mercredi 30 novembre 2011

Why Starbucks is a strong brand?

People may love Starbucks or not, but there is no doubt that this brand has a very strong personality and a perception in the consumer’s mind. You can ask everyone, what is Starbucks and what associations it gives to you, and everyone will give the clear answer. Isn’t it an approval of a brand power? The question is, how a brand can build in consumers’ mind such a strong perception, and what are the main brand attributes, allowing the brand to become not only strong and known, but a part of a lifestyle?

 The obvious answer may be here that when the brand is associated not only with the product, but with a certain experience, this may be a key to success. Indeed, when we think about Starbucks, we imagine not only a good coffee taste, but also a pleasant time that we may spend in the Starbucks café, the pleasant service you we will get there, at last, the typical cup with a lid that is so pleasant to carry. These mean pleasant experience, and you will be glad to demonstrate to the others, that such kind of experience suites to your lifestyle. Because it will differentiate you from the one hand, and attribute to a certain community from another hand. And this particular feeling of “being different” plays a key role in the brand success. 

Author: Anna N

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