lundi 14 novembre 2011

Starbucks has changed its logo … for better or for worse??

Author: Valérie C.

New world, new logo
Spring 2011 was an important event for Starbucks that celebrated its 40th anniversary! At the occasion of that special event, the famous coffee company has chosen a controversial strategy: adopting a new logo! So, Starbucks put an end to the logo existing since 1992 to implement a new one.  The company renews it by removing the Starbucks name and keeping only green color and “the siren”.
Consumers fear changes?
Consumers didn’t welcome well that change. Indeed, the company has to face many criticisms from its customers on the web. “Ugly”, “Stupid” was some comments on the Facebook page of the company.
So, this “scandal” around logo change helps us to raise some issues about branding. How important is a logo for consumers? What challenges companies face by changing their visual identity?
Starbucks ’logo is the sign that allows consumers to identify the brand and indicate its value. In fact, the equity of the brand was directly linked to the logo, its awareness, the values and image it conveys. The choice of a siren, green colors and a clear name reflected the responsible and traditional positioning of Starbucks.
Now, we could almost say that Starbucks has become a kind of anonymous brand since the company’s name doesn’t appear anymore.
A few brands can remove their name from logos. Indeed, it implies a high recognition and notoriety. Nike and Apple are some examples, and their logos exist for years. However, Starbucks penetrated French market only in 2004, so quite recently!
It explains why consumers could be confused when they saw the logo! After about 6 months, Starbucks seems to be willing to keep this way, but others brands finally changed their mind.
In October 2010, Gap launched its new logo.  Consumers immediately reacted saying that it was terrible. Facing a quick spread of criticisms, they decided to withdraw it and keep the old one.
Companies take risk by changing the visual identity of a successful brand. Moreover, Internet increases the power of consumers since it allows them to quickly spread the word and create huge communities to express their opinion.
Anyway, Starbucks took risks but we hope its customers won’t blame it for that! 



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